T.R. Karabuk Governorship Visit
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EYGEV Karabük Provincial President Mustafa Doğan and EYGEV Board Member Assoc. Dr. Oğuzhan Zengin, from the management of EYGEV Karabük Branch, Lecturer. See. Abdulkadir Ilgaz and Exp. Together with dietician Hilal Doğan Güney, they visited Karabük Governor Fuat Gürel Bey in his office. In the meeting, which was accompanied by the Provincial Director of Family and Social Services Abdurrahman Bilgiç, consultations were held about EYGEV Karabük Branch, whose establishment phase was completed recently, as well as foundation works. And Governor Fuat Gürel was presented with an invitation to the opening.


Expressing that he was very happy with the visit, Governor Gürel said, "I hope that the Disabled and Elderly Services Development Foundation Karabük Branch will be beneficial for our city and our citizens." said.


Saygıdeğer Valimiz Fuat Gürel'e yakın ilgisi ve desteği için teşekkür eder, saygılarımızı sunarız.