EYGEV at the 10th International Symposium on Social and Applied Gerontology
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The "10th International Social and Applied Gerontology Symposium", hosted by the Gerontology Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Akdeniz University on 21-23 November, in cooperation with the UNESCO Turkish National Commission, to which we participated as the Disabled and Elderly Services Development Foundation, was held at AkdenizUniversity.

In Atatürk Conference Hall, Prof. Dr. Terence SEEDSMAN and Prof. Dr. Deputy Dean of Akdeniz University Faculty of Health Sciences Assoc. Dr. Nilüfer Korkmaz Yaylagül, Exp. Dr. Orhan Koç, academics, students and many guests attended. In this symposium where international academics, gerontologists and students came together, social applied gerontology, the 60+ Refreshment University Project and research on the effects of the pandemic period on the elderly were discussed. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the symposium.